Welcome to Siyafunda and The Web Foundation
Where no rural child is left behind!
Siyafunda Donate a Book recently donated 5 Trolley Libraries to five schools in Ghana,Bogoso Region, these include more than 5000 children’s books, courtesy of AECI Ghana Ltd who saw our crazy innovation of “Umgqom’wolwazi, the bin of knowledge” on social media and approached us, to support ten schools last year in South Africa. We donated ten trolley libraries and more than 10 000 children’s books. It was a massive operation. At Siyafunda Donate-A-Book we believe that the right environment guarantees growth, and we also believe strongly in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Children (United Nations,1989) and the world declarations on Early Childhood Education for all UNESCO 1990, and the Africa Charter on the rights and Welfare of the child (Organisation of Africa Unity (OAU 1990), which recognise the right of children to education, and the development of personality, talents, mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential.
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Siyafunda tips for
promoting reading
You don’t have to be a literacy expert to help children develop reading, writing and
communication skills all part of literacy. Following are some simple ideas for promoting
reading and literacy that can be implemented in many fun ways.
Set Regular Time For Reading
Set aside a regular time period every day or on certain days of the week when children read on their own or to each other. Let children see staff reading their own books during this time. Read also in front of the children.
Read Out Loud
Have children help you select books to read aloud to the group. Be sure to include indigenous language books. Books with chapters work well for older children so that you finish one chapter each time you read. Younger children generally like stories that can be read in one session. Be sure that readers read with animation and enthusiasm. Young children especially like it when a reader changes voices for different characters.
Create Plays From Favourite Books
Have children work in small groups to create a play from a book they have read. Plays can be very simple, put together in an hour or so nor can they also be elaborate, week- or month-long projects, complete with scripts and costumes.
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Please reach out to us
- 12 Daisy Place, Westmont, Isipingo, 4153
- +27 79 080 6112
- info@theweb.co.za
- +27 12 674 4029